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Tuesday, June 3, 2008


So last night I was working on one of my first real drawings with my new Wacom pad, so I found this old Modest Mouse photo, and decided to use it as a reference to my drawing, which I did in a black and white, minimal detail kind of style, which is a pain in the ass, so half way through my fucking laptop shuts off...well, restarts rather, losing all of the work I had done up until that point, so once I get my computer up and running again, I'm not even really in the mood to draw anymore, but I know I had to finish it because I need to get better at free hand with my Wacom, so I finished the bulk of the sketch, and then start putting ridiculous colors in the background and vector nonsense, which I have a huge issue with, I can't seem to just let something be bare, ANYWAY, I was pretty proud of the drawing I had done, until about 3 hours later when I realized it is fucking lame and really wasn't all that impressive, but that happens I suppose, I realize I'm not as good of a designer as I would like to be, but until then, I am just going to have to make a bunch of shitty sketches until I get itttttttt.

if you feel the need to see it, here is the drawing I did last night..
here it is
and the reference I used, is here


Now playing: At The Drive-In - One-Armed Scissor

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