Things of my interest.

My photo
I like music, I like art, I like you.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Black Cab Sessions

So a while back I had found a video of Daniel Johnston playing in the back of a black mini cab in down town London, I thought it was pretty cool but never thought much about it since, and recently I came to find that there are many bands who have done this, its a periodic filming of The Black Cab Sessions produced by JustSo Films, they have featured such bands as Death Cab For Cutie, The New Pornographers, and Sunset Rubdown{surprisingly}.

Personally I think it is a fucking great idea and I would love to see more more bands involved in this, but as you may have guessed, I am writing this in hopes that you will check it out because its something very unique in the music industry, and these days, it isn't often I come across something that really impresses me, its always been done before.

I need to check out The Kooks new album, I'm not sure why I haven't yet, fuck, I also need to get 'Narrow Stairs' by Death Cab, that is one band I refuse to pirate, I will purchase every song I listen to by them because they deserve it, they put out nearly 8 full length albums without being on a label, of course last year they signed to Columbia Records, but fuck it, I wouldn't turn down 10 mil either.

If you're reading this, I wish you a great day, if you aren't, then there is no point in me insulting you!!


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Next Big Nothing

So as you may or may not know, I have been working on getting my website up lately, and I finally did so, thankfully I have friends that have done this a bit more than I have, I can design them fine, just not so familiar with using FTP, but I'm learning!!

Anyway, so I won't ruin it by telling you what kind of magic is hidden behind the 'COMING SOON' page, but I should have something up by the end of this week so I hope you all get a change to check it out, if not, I am just wasting my fucking TIME AND MONEY!!!!!

The Next Big Nothing

Oh yeah and my friend Catherine wants to exchange lap dances for web design :O woooh!
Now playing: Tenacious D - 04 Wonderboy

Thursday, June 5, 2008


So, having bitched about musicians that play music just for the money, for so many years, last night I was thinking about it, I have always said people should play music for the enjoyment and nothing less, well, I enjoy money, and who doesn't, let alone a large amount of money, so I suppose in the long run they ARE playing for the enjoyment, one of the members of The Dandy Warhols once said "You can't start a revolution if you stay underground" , heh, but I am no position to bitch about how anyone makes music being as I don't really play music at all maybe this blog just makes me a complete asshole....

Now playing: Modest Mouse - Other People's Lives

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Edit the sad parts

So this morning, I came to a strange conclusion, and that is, the song "Edit the sad parts" by Modest Mouse, is playing all morning, every morning, and somehow I never noticed it until now?

regardless, for those of you that have NOT heard this song, consider yourself musically deprived times Pi, so I suppose this is the part where I link you to the song and tell you how badly I want a cigarette...well no, I will not do such a thing, but you CAN read the lyrics if you must...

Sometimes all I really want to feel is love
Sometimes I'm angry that I feel so angry
Sometimes my feelings get in the way
Of what I really feel I needed to say
If you stand in a circle
Then you'll all have a back to bite
Back logged voices on the 7 wonders
We're all so funny but he's lost his joke now
A communication from the one lined joke
A stand up comic and a rock musician
Making so much noise you don't know when to listen
Why are you judging people so damn hard
You're taking your point of views a bit too far
I made my shoes shine with my coal
But my polish didn't shine the hole
If you stand in a circle
Then you'll all have a back to bite
(Back?) long books on the 7 wonders
We're all so funny but he's lost his joke now
Our communications come from one lined joke
From stand up comics and a rock musicians
Making so much noise you don't know when to listen
Think it over
There's the air of the height of the highrollers
Think it over
You aint got nothing till ya know her

GAHH fine, here, listen to the fucking thing


by the way, for anyone who reads this, let alone cares about anything I have to say, Batter Brown(Adam Sagura) and I are playing at Kaladis on Saturday if you want to come laugh and throw fruit, but if you do come out, buy me a fucking latte, thanks.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008


So last night I was working on one of my first real drawings with my new Wacom pad, so I found this old Modest Mouse photo, and decided to use it as a reference to my drawing, which I did in a black and white, minimal detail kind of style, which is a pain in the ass, so half way through my fucking laptop shuts off...well, restarts rather, losing all of the work I had done up until that point, so once I get my computer up and running again, I'm not even really in the mood to draw anymore, but I know I had to finish it because I need to get better at free hand with my Wacom, so I finished the bulk of the sketch, and then start putting ridiculous colors in the background and vector nonsense, which I have a huge issue with, I can't seem to just let something be bare, ANYWAY, I was pretty proud of the drawing I had done, until about 3 hours later when I realized it is fucking lame and really wasn't all that impressive, but that happens I suppose, I realize I'm not as good of a designer as I would like to be, but until then, I am just going to have to make a bunch of shitty sketches until I get itttttttt.

if you feel the need to see it, here is the drawing I did last night..
here it is
and the reference I used, is here


Now playing: At The Drive-In - One-Armed Scissor

Monday, June 2, 2008


So late last week I came across a short film about Elliott Smith, by Jem Cohen entitled "Lucky Three", basically he came out to Portland to hang out with Elliott and have him play a few songs for his film, its very obvious that Elliott is not used to being filmed, nor does it seem like he was very impressed with the camera being there, but that is no surprise, Elliott Smith has always been very modest with his work, long story short, Elliott Smith plays 3 of my many favorite songs by him, "Between the bars" "Angeles" and "Baby Britain", enjoy.
"Elliott Smith - 'Thirty Three'

And now for the highlight of my weeks findings, last night I was...well I don't really recall what I was doing exactly, but I was sitting at my desk, when an esurance commercial came on, "Because it feeeels gooood", I had heard it before but never really taken into consideration of how good the song really was, so I dug around and found out it was a man named Kazutaka Nomura, also known as 'PWRFL POWER', which I think the name alone is genius, but his music its quite fitting for such a clever name, I actually described it today to my friend Les as, "uncleverly-clever", because he doesn't unnecessarily try to be clever, which is a big downfall in a lot of songwriters these days, trying to come up with something clever and unique, and end up making something ridiculous and not enjoyable, he sings about simple things such as meeting a girl and thinking she is beautiful, but she doesn't know how to hold chop sticks, which for some reason, makes me think this really happened, and thats what I love about his music, it sounds more like a story put to music more than it does an orchestrated song, and in that I mean, he doesn't try and rhyme, or use the same amount of words in every verse, point being, check him out, and you will not be disappointed, and if you are, please don't ever return to my blog again because you won't enjoy anything I recommend here...

Click here to listen to PWRFL POWER, message him and tell him I recommended him in my blog =).

Well, I am about to get off work, and I am realizing how boring this must be for anyone who isn't as bored as I am, I hope you found some sort of entertainment out of this, and if you did, subscribe to my blog either vis RSS feed or just as a blog its self.

I need a fucking cigarette..

Now playing: Elliott Smith - Everything Reminds Me of Her

Now playing: Modest Mouse - A Life Of Artic Sounds

Now playing: Ugly Casanova - Ice On The Sheets

So here we begin..

So as I'm sure you have by now realized, I have given in to world of blogging, and started one myself, I have attempted to do so a few times in the past but never had enough to write about to really feel like it was worth the time..

But being as I work every fucking day now, I manage to gather many things I would like to write about, more specifically music, surprise?

So chances are, I will write in here at least once a day, being as I really only do about an hour to two hours of work each for now I will leave you with this, but soon enough, probably in a few hours, I will be posting a blog about some new bands I have come across in the past weeks as well as some designers you should keep an eye out for.
