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Saturday, July 4, 2009

I've been howling a paper moon, well fuck you.

How utterly fucking silly, I can only apologize for whatever it is I did so right to put yourself in the position you were in, this blog is directed to a few people, but brought on by only one person, and I will surely admit I am drunk at 7:30a.m., Chris and Kelli were here earlier today, and I act really clean and straight cut around them, I don't know if they even know or not, but I sadly must admit to being a fucking alcoholic, I don't feel normal without being drunk, given I will never be drunk around my daughter, that doesn't change the fact that she lives with MY MOM, because her mom and myself can't hold it together, this whole online thing has certainly been an experience in the past years, but nothing like this, EVER, has come about, I'm fairly speechless to say the least and sorry really won't cut it, but at the same time, I don't know that I have anything to say 'I'M SORRY' about, my words were taken out of context it seems, having read your blog and thinking "How ridiculous that I'm reading this in A FUCKING BLOG, FROM SOMEONE I MET ON THE GOD DAMN INTERNET" but here I am, as guilty as you, but how do you avoid it? this blog wasn't meant to be nearly this long but it seems a lot more is flowing out then I realized, to another person who may not even ever read this, you have been lead to believe something false, saying I need help for my daughter was quite thoughtful, but the reason you said it was for the wrong reason, social networking will be the demise of the world it seems, people get to comfortable and forget that reality, things you do in your LIFE, are certainly not the same things you do on the internet, you can reintegrate yourself to be whoever you want, and have feelings accordingly, so apposed to saying "FUCK THIS, I'M DONE USING THE INTERNET TO FIND NEW FRIENDS AND COMMUNICATE" I will simply say, take anything I say to you online, with a grain of salt, but at the same time (cough) Rachel...I do enjoy talking to you, you sent me a fucking letter and drew me a radical portrait of myself, how could I do something like I've done in the past towards you? won't happen, if Chris and or Kelli read this, feel free to think "What the fuck Eric..." I don't know what to tell you, I have some strange things going on in my life, obviously, you guys are awesome friends and I'm completely jealous of your hectic relationship, you guys are best fucking friends and hanging out with you guys the past few days has made me think like "What the fuck have I been doing when I could have what these two fucking have!!!???!" self realization is certainly something I need to dig deep into, for now I will sleep, while I can, everyone knows I don't sleep, at all, thus the drinking started, but as you know the first thing an addict does is make an excuse, its not an excuse, its a sad reason, but a reason non the less, sorry dudes.

"My God, the clock's always stuck yellin' 11:11, at 3:32."


1 comment:

RachelOaktree said...

I thinkkkk you're title should have been taken from "The Vowels Pt. 2" ..."I'm not a ladies man, I'm a landmine." (Kidding)! The past week or so that we have been talking has been amazing, I love talking to you. Hopefully we keep it up :] I have always worried about you when you drink, but I do think that you can handle it correctly. You're not an angry drunk, that is; you're fun and entertaining (to me at least). I know that's not the best thing to say. So, yes, I do think that you need a little help with your drinking, but I'm always going to be here for you when you need that help. I promise.